Has the FDA Officially Gone Mad?

The FDA recently announced, ?Exposure to mercury can have serious health consequences,? says Charles Lee, M.D., a senior medical advisor at FDA. ?It can damage the kidneys and the nervous system, and interfere with the development of the brain in unborn children and very young children.?

At 135 to 33,000 ppm — 27 products were tested and confirmed to potentially cause serious damage.

You don?t have to use the product yourself to be affected, says FDA toxicologist Mike Bolger, Ph.D. ?People — particularly children — can get mercury in their bodies from breathing in mercury vapors if a member of the household uses a skin cream containing mercury.?

So why is it OK to put 1-2 grams of dental amalgam, which is 50% mercury into the heads of children and pregnant women?

The Medicaid system itself, pays only for these fillings that most directly affect the poorest kids and minorities.

Margaret Hamburg, FDA Commissioner could shed some light on the issue, as she is former board member of Henry Schein — the largest provider of professional dental products.

The FDA and ADA have been calling these dental amalgams ‘silver fillings’ fraudulently for decades. The ADA at one time owned the patent for mercury fillings

J. Rodway Mackert Jr., former ADA spokesman, said that discussing mercury when patients are in the dentist’s chair would be a disservice to them.

In a report from the Agency of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, indicates fillings could contribute as much as 75% of a person’s daily mercury exposure, noting that the vapor is released during chewing and because of corrosion.

The 2008 Obama/Biden Plan for a Healthy America stressed preventive approaches to disease, including the reduction of toxins, chief among these toxins was mercury.

“Reduce Risks of Mercury Pollution. More than five million women of childbearing age have high levels of toxic mercury in their blood, and approximately 630,000 newborns are born at risk every year. The EPA estimates that every year, more than one in six children could be at risk for developmental disorders because of mercury exposure in the mother’s womb.”

The World Health Organization has stated that between 3-17 micrograms of mercury are released into the body each day by chewing, compared to only 2-5 micrograms from fish and all other environmental sources combined.

The New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial stating dental amalgams were “possibly the chief source of exposure [to mercury] of a large segment of the U.S. population”.

The FDA even removed this statement from its website: “Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses.”

Jeff Shuren promised a statement regarding mercury fillings was coming by end of 2011. His promise fell flat.

Sweden, Norway, and other countries have already banned the use of mercury fillings. Germany’s federal court ruled that dentists who used mercury fillings would face legal liability.

Is the stated safety of mercury fillings just big lie to protect the massive liability the ADA, dentists, and mercury filling manufacturers would be exposed to if the FDA would admit these mercury fillings placed in your head actually cause harm? Is this absolute proof the FDA is willing to accept harm to patients to protect corporate interests?

We believe the FDA is in place to protect the consumers and patients. Why does that appear so hard to believe in the case of dental amalgams?

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Tf arbetar för att:

  • Sjukvårdens högkostnadsskydd ska gälla all tandvård.
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